Source code for rnftools.rnfformat.Segment

import re
from .RnfProfile import RnfProfile

segment_destr_pattern = re.compile(r'^\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([FRN]),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)$')

[docs]class Segment: """Class for a single segment in a RNF read name. """ def __init__( self, genome_id=0, chr_id=0, direction="N", left=0, right=0 ): """ Args: genome_id (int): ID of genome. chr_id (int): ID of chromosome. direction (str): Direction (F/R/N). left (int): Leftmost coordinate. right (int): Rightmost coordinate. Raises: ValueError """ self.genome_id = int(genome_id) self.chr_id = int(chr_id) self.direction = direction self.left = int(left) self.right = int(right) if not (self.right == 0 or self.right >= self.left): smbl.messages.error("Leftmost coordinate cannot be higher than rightmost coordinate.", program="RNFtools", subprogram="RNF format", exception=ValueError)
[docs] def stringize( self, rnf_profile, ): """Create RNF representation of this segment. Args: rnf_profile (rnftools.rnfformat.RnfProfile): RNF profile (with widths). """ coor_width = max(rnf_profile.coor_width, len(str(self.left)), len(str(self.right))) return "({},{},{},{},{})".format( str(self.genome_id).zfill(rnf_profile.genome_id_width), str(self.chr_id).zfill(rnf_profile.chr_id_width), self.direction, str(self.left).zfill(coor_width), str(self.right).zfill(coor_width) )
[docs] def destringize(self, string): """Get RNF values for this segment from its textual representation and save them into this object. Args: string (str): Textual representation of a segment. """ m = segment_destr_pattern.match(string) self.genome_id = int( self.chr_id = int( self.direction = self.left = int( self.right = int(
def __str__(self, ): rnf_profile = RnfProfile() return self.stringize(rnf_profile)