Source code for rnftools.rnfformat.FqCreator

import snakemake
import rnftools
import os

[docs]class FqCreator: """Class for writing RNF reads to FASTQ files. Every new read is added to the internal buffer. If read tuple ID is different, buffer is flushed. Hence, reads from the same tuple must be added in a series. It does not matter in which order are blocks reported and with which exact reads, they will be sorted during flushing. Args: fastq_fo (str): Output FASTQ file - file object. read_tuple_id_width (int): Maximal expected string length of read tuple ID. genome_id_width (int): Maximal expected string length of genome ID. chr_id_width (int): Maximal expected string length of chromosome ID. coor_width (int): Maximal expected string length of a coordinate. info_reads_in_tuple (bool): Include information about reads as a RNF comment. info_simulator (str): Name of used simulator (to be included as a RNF comment). """ def __init__( self, fastq_fo, read_tuple_id_width=16, genome_id_width=2, chr_id_width=2, coor_width=8, info_reads_in_tuple=True, info_simulator=None, ): self._info_simulator = info_simulator self._info_reads_in_tuple = info_reads_in_tuple self._rnf_profile = rnftools.rnfformat.RnfProfile( read_tuple_id_width=read_tuple_id_width, genome_id_width=genome_id_width, chr_id_width=chr_id_width, coor_width=coor_width, ) self._fq_file = fastq_fo self.current_read_tuple_id = None self.empty() def __del__(self): self.flush_read_tuple()
[docs] def flush_read_tuple(self): """Flush the internal buffer of reads. """ if not self.is_empty(): suffix_comment_buffer = [] if self._info_simulator is not None: suffix_comment_buffer.append(self._info_simulator) if self._info_reads_in_tuple: # todo: orientation (FF, FR, etc.) # orientation="".join([]) suffix_comment_buffer.append("reads-in-tuple:{}".format(len(self.seqs_bases))) if len(suffix_comment_buffer) != 0: suffix_comment = "[{}]".format(",".join(suffix_comment_buffer)) else: suffix_comment = "" rnf_name = self._rnf_profile.get_rnf_name( rnftools.rnfformat.ReadTuple( segments=self.segments, read_tuple_id=self.current_read_tuple_id, suffix=suffix_comment, ) ) fq_reads = [ os.linesep.join([ "@{rnf_name}{read_suffix}".format( rnf_name=rnf_name, read_suffix="/{}".format(str(i + 1)) if len(self.seqs_bases) > 1 else "", ), self.seqs_bases[i], "+", self.seqs_qualities[i], ]) for i in range(len(self.seqs_bases)) ] self._fq_file.write(os.linesep.join(fq_reads)) self._fq_file.write(os.linesep) self.empty()
[docs] def empty(self): """Empty all internal buffers. """ self.seqs_bases = [] self.seqs_qualities = [] self.segments = []
[docs] def is_empty(self): """All internal buffer empty? """ return self.seqs_bases == [] and self.seqs_qualities == [] and self.segments == []
[docs] def add_read(self, read_tuple_id, bases, qualities, segments, ): """Add a new read to the current buffer. If it is a new read tuple (detected from ID), the buffer will be flushed. Args: read_tuple_id (int): ID of the read tuple. bases (str): Sequence of bases. qualities (str): Sequence of FASTQ qualities. segments (list of rnftools.rnfformat.segment): List of segments constituting the read. """ assert type(bases) is str, "Wrong type of bases: '{}'".format(bases) assert type(qualities) is str, "Wrong type of qualities: '{}'".format(qualities) assert type(segments) is tuple or type(segments) is list if self.current_read_tuple_id != read_tuple_id: self.flush_read_tuple() self.current_read_tuple_id = read_tuple_id self.seqs_bases.append(bases) self.seqs_qualities.append(qualities) self.segments.extend(segments)