3.4. Command-line tool

Even though SnakeMake-based approach is the prefered way to use RNFtools, we provide also a command-line tool rnftools with most of functionality. Here you can find help messages for its subcommands.

3.4.1. General rnftools (list of subcommands)

$ rnftools  -h

usage: rnftools [-h]

RNFtools -  http://karel-brinda.github.io/rnftools
contact: Karel Brinda (karel.brinda@univ-mlv.fr)

positional arguments:

    check               Check for the latest version.
    publication         Print information about the associated publication.
    validate            Validate RNF names in a FASTQ file.
    liftover            Liftover genomic coordinates in RNF names.

    sam2rnf             Convert a SAM/BAM file to RNF-FASTQ.
    art2rnf             Convert output of Art to RNF-FASTQ.
    curesim2rnf         Convert output of CuReSim to RNF-FASTQ.
    dwgsim2rnf          Convert output of DwgSim to RNF-FASTQ.
    mason2rnf           Convert output of Mason to RNF-FASTQ.
    wgsim2rnf           Convert output of WgSim to RNF-FASTQ.
    merge               Merge RNF-FASTQ files and convert the output to
                        'traditional' FASTQ.

    sam2es              Convert SAM/BAM with reads in RNF to ES (evaluation of
    es2et               Convert ES to ET (evaluation of read tuples).
    et2roc              Convert ET to ROC (final statistics).
    sam2roc             Previous three steps in a single command.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit rnftools check

$ rnftools check -h

usage: rnftools check [-h]

Check if RNFtools are up-to-date.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit rnftools publication

$ rnftools publication -h

usage: rnftools publication [-h]

Print information about the associated publication.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit rnftools validate

$ rnftools validate -h

usage: rnftools validate [-h] -i file [-w] [-a]

Validate RNF names in a FASTQ file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i file, --fastq file
                        FASTQ file to be validated.
  -w, --warnings-as-errors
                        Treat warnings as errors.
  -a, --all-occurrences
                        Report all occurrences of warnings and errors. rnftools liftover

$ rnftools liftover -h

usage: rnftools liftover [-h] [-c file] -g int [-x file] [--invert]
                         [--input-format str] [--output-format str]
                         input output

Liftover genomic coordinates in RNF names in a SAM/BAM files or in a FASTQ

positional arguments:
  input                 Input file to be transformed (- for standard input).
  output                Output file to be transformed (- for standard output).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c file, --chain file
                        Chain liftover file for coordinates transformation.
                        [no transformation]
  -g int, --genome-id int
                        ID of genome to be transformed.
  -x file, --faidx file
                        Fasta index of the reference sequence. [extract from
                        chain file]
  --invert              Invert chain file (transformation in the other
  --input-format str    Input format (SAM/BAM/FASTQ). [autodetect]
  --output-format str   Output format (SAM/BAM/FASTQ). [autodetect]

3.4.2. MIShmash rnftools sam2rnf

$ rnftools sam2rnf -h

usage: rnftools sam2rnf [-h] -s file -o file -x file [-g int] [-u]

Convert a SAM/BAM file to RNF-FASTQ.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s file, --sam file   Input SAM/BAM with true (expected) alignments of the
                        reads (- for standard input).
  -o file, --rnf-fastq file
                        Output FASTQ file (- for standard output).
  -x file, --faidx file
                        FAI index of the reference FASTA file (- for standard
                        input). It can be created using 'samtools faidx'.
  -g int, --genome-id int
                        Genome ID in RNF (default: 1).
  -u, --allow-unmapped  Allow unmapped reads. rnftools art2rnf

$ rnftools art2rnf -h

usage: rnftools art2rnf [-h] -s file -o file -x file [-g int] [-u] [-n str]

Convert an Art SAM file to RNF-FASTQ. Note that Art produces non-standard SAM
files and manual editation might be necessary. In particular, when a FASTA
file contains comments, Art left them in the sequence name. Comments must be
removed in their corresponding @SQ headers in the SAM file, otherwise all
reads are considered to be unmapped by this script.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s file, --sam file   Input SAM/BAM with true (expected) alignments of the
                        reads (- for standard input).
  -o file, --rnf-fastq file
                        Output FASTQ file (- for standard output).
  -x file, --faidx file
                        FAI index of the reference FASTA file (- for standard
                        input). It can be created using 'samtools faidx'.
  -g int, --genome-id int
                        Genome ID in RNF (default: 1).
  -u, --allow-unmapped  Allow unmapped reads.
  -n str, --simulator-name str
                        Name of the simulator (for RNF). rnftools curesim2rnf

$ rnftools curesim2rnf -h

usage: rnftools curesim2rnf [-h] -c file -o file -x file [-g int]

Convert a CuReSim FASTQ file to RNF-FASTQ.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c file, --curesim-fastq file
                        CuReSim FASTQ file (- for standard input).
  -o file, --rnf-fastq file
                        Output FASTQ file (- for standard output).
  -x file, --faidx file
                        FAI index of the reference FASTA file (- for standard
                        input). It can be created using 'samtools faidx'.
  -g int, --genome-id int
                        Genome ID in RNF (default: 1). rnftools dwgsim2rnf

$ rnftools dwgsim2rnf -h

usage: rnftools dwgsim2rnf [-h] -p str [-e] -o file -x file [-g int]

Convert a DwgSim FASTQ file (dwgsim_prefix.bfast.fastq) to RNF-FASTQ.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p str, --dwgsim-prefix str
                        Prefix for DwgSim.
  -e, --estimate-unknown
                        Estimate unknown values.
  -o file, --rnf-fastq file
                        Output FASTQ file (- for standard output).
  -x file, --faidx file
                        FAI index of the reference FASTA file (- for standard
                        input). It can be created using 'samtools faidx'.
  -g int, --genome-id int
                        Genome ID in RNF (default: 1). rnftools mason2rnf

$ rnftools mason2rnf -h

usage: rnftools mason2rnf [-h] -s file -o file -x file [-g int] [-u] [-n str]

Convert a Mason SAM file to RNF-FASTQ.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s file, --sam file   Input SAM/BAM with true (expected) alignments of the
                        reads (- for standard input).
  -o file, --rnf-fastq file
                        Output FASTQ file (- for standard output).
  -x file, --faidx file
                        FAI index of the reference FASTA file (- for standard
                        input). It can be created using 'samtools faidx'.
  -g int, --genome-id int
                        Genome ID in RNF (default: 1).
  -u, --allow-unmapped  Allow unmapped reads.
  -n str, --simulator-name str
                        Name of the simulator (for RNF). rnftools wgsim2rnf

$ rnftools wgsim2rnf -h

usage: rnftools wgsim2rnf [-h] -1 file [-2 file] -o file -x file [-g int] [-u]

Convert WgSim FASTQ files to RNF-FASTQ.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -1 file, --wgsim-fastq-1 file
                        First WgSim FASTQ file (- for standard input)
  -2 file, --wgsim-fastq-2 file
                        Second WgSim FASTQ file (in case of paired-end reads,
                        default: none).
  -o file, --rnf-fastq file
                        Output FASTQ file (- for standard output).
  -x file, --faidx file
                        FAI index of the reference FASTA file (- for standard
                        input). It can be created using 'samtools faidx'.
  -g int, --genome-id int
                        Genome ID in RNF (default: 1).
  -u, --allow-unmapped  Allow unmapped reads. rnftools merge

$ rnftools merge -h

usage: rnftools merge [-h] -i inp [inp ...] -m mode -o out


optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -i inp [inp ...]  input FASTQ files
  -m mode           mode for mergeing files (single-end / paired-end-bwa / paired-end-bfast)
  -o out            output prefix

Source RNF-FASTQ files should satisfy the following conditions:
        1) Each file contains only reads corresponding to one genome (with the
           same genome id).
        2) All files contain reads of the same type (single-end / paired-end).
        3) Reads with more reads per tuple (e.g., paired-end) have '/1', etc.
           in suffix (for identification of nb of read).

3.4.3. LAVEnder rnftools sam2es

$ rnftools sam2es -h

usage: rnftools sam2es [-h] -i file -o file [-d int]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i file, --sam file   SAM/BAM with aligned RNF reads(- for standard input).
  -o file, --es file    Output ES file (evaluated segments, - for standard
  -d int, --allowed-delta int
                        Tolerance of difference of coordinates between true
                        (i.e., expected) alignment and real alignment (very
                        important parameter!) (default: 5). rnftools es2et

$ rnftools es2et -h

usage: rnftools es2et [-h] -i file -o file


optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -i file, --es file  Input ES file (evaluated segments, - for standard
  -o file, --et file  Output ET file (evaluated read tuples, - for standard
                      output). rnftools et2roc

$ rnftools et2roc -h

usage: rnftools et2roc [-h] -i file -o file


optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -i file, --et file   Input ET file (evaluated read tuples, - for standard
  -o file, --roc file  Output ROC file (evaluated reads, - for standard
                       output). rnftools sam2roc

$ rnftools sam2roc -h

usage: rnftools sam2roc [-h] -i file -o file [-d int]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i file, --sam file   SAM/BAM with aligned RNF reads(- for standard input).
  -o file, --roc file   Output ROC file (- for standard output).
  -d int, --allowed-delta int
                        Tolerance of difference of coordinates between true
                        (i.e., expected) alignment and real alignment (very
                        important parameter!) (default: 5).